Eligibility and Fees
The minimum eligibility age is 50. Persons under the age of 50 may volunteer and/or accompany a disabled senior as a caretaker. A $25 participant fee is suggested each July. Veterans are exempt. Additional fees may apply for van outings, trips, lunches, celebrations, etc. However, no one should be turned away for the inability to pay for activities like exercise, cards, bingo, etc.
Participant Form
Anyone who comes to our Senior Center is asked to fill out a participant form. The form not only assures a newsletter in the mail but it also provides staff with emergency contact information should the need arise. Once original form is completed, if no information has changed, participants will only be asked to sign the back each new fiscal year. In the event the information has changed, emergency contact, medical conditions, etc. participants will be asked to complete a new form.
Attendance Records
Participants are asked to sign the General Attendance Sheet at the front desk each time they enter the Senior Center. To continue with funding, The Greater Nashville Regional Council (GNRC) asks that we maintain a consistent daily attendance. The accountability will also assist in the event of emergency evacuations.